Family Day

Family Day Corporate Events

Family Days are designed to offer your employees and their families a relaxing day full of fun and enjoyment. It is an ideal way to thank employees and their families for their commitment and acknowledge their hard work.

As a sought-after corporate event management company in Mumbai, we make sure your company′s Family Day is tailored to your particular requirements: your company values, the number and profile of your guests, the venue, the timings, and your likes and dislikes. The purpose of understanding all this in detail is to offer a perfect mix of activities and entertainment to the family members on the corporate family day.

Right from planning the theme to executing it, our dedicated events management team stays with you till the very last moment. Through 360 degree event management solutions, it gives you not just an unforgettable experience but memories that would stay with you forever.

With the right corporate event planning, Party Planet - the corporate event planners/organisers, has garnered quite a reputation for being a popular family day event company. We take care of everything from food and venue to seating arrangement and guest invites. And that′s not all - we can even help you pick the perfect memento to make the event even more special.

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